Carnelian Egg – Brimming with warm hues that evoke the fiery beauty of a desert sunset

SIZE : 45-55MM


All of our Minerals & Crystals are 100% Genuine Specimens & come with a Certificate of Authenticity


The Carnelian Egg is a radiant and energizing gemstone, brimming with warm hues that evoke the fiery beauty of a desert sunset. Carved into a smooth, egg-shaped form, this captivating crystal showcases the rich, deep shades of orange and red that are characteristic of carnelian.


As you hold the Carnelian Egg in your hands, you’ll be drawn to its vibrant energy, which is believed to resonate with the sacral chakra. This dynamic crystal is renowned for its ability to ignite passion, creativity, and motivation. Its warm and nurturing vibes inspire a sense of vitality, making it a powerful ally for those seeking courage, confidence, and a renewed zest for life.


The smooth and polished surface of the Carnelian Egg invites touch, creating a tactile connection that enhances its energetic properties. Meditating with this crystal can be a transformative experience, helping to balance emotions, boost self-esteem, and stimulate a sense of empowerment.


Beyond its metaphysical qualities, the Carnelian Egg serves as a stunning and symbolic piece of decor. Whether displayed on a tabletop, integrated into a crystal arrangement, or used as a focal point in meditation practices, its egg shape adds a touch of harmony and balance to its surroundings.


Embrace the invigorating energy of the Carnelian Egg and let it infuse your life with its warm and vibrant essence. This crystal is not only a beautiful addition to any collection but also a reminder of the strength and creativity that resides within, waiting to be awakened and expressed.


Mineral and Crystal Eggs are highly collectible and beautiful specimens. The mineral, or crystal, has been carved into an egg shape and polished to showcase the amazing beauty of the individual specimen, making them stunning ornaments.


Location: Madagascar

Unique : (May differ to photo).

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SIZE : 45-55MM


All of our Minerals & Crystals are 100% Genuine Specimens & come with a Certificate of Authenticity


The Carnelian Egg is a radiant and energizing gemstone, brimming with warm hues that evoke the fiery beauty of a desert sunset. Carved into a smooth, egg-shaped form, this captivating crystal showcases the rich, deep shades of orange and red that are characteristic of carnelian.


As you hold the Carnelian Egg in your hands, you’ll be drawn to its vibrant energy, which is believed to resonate with the sacral chakra. This dynamic crystal is renowned for its ability to ignite passion, creativity, and motivation. Its warm and nurturing vibes inspire a sense of vitality, making it a powerful ally for those seeking courage, confidence, and a renewed zest for life.


The smooth and polished surface of the Carnelian Egg invites touch, creating a tactile connection that enhances its energetic properties. Meditating with this crystal can be a transformative experience, helping to balance emotions, boost self-esteem, and stimulate a sense of empowerment.


Beyond its metaphysical qualities, the Carnelian Egg serves as a stunning and symbolic piece of decor. Whether displayed on a tabletop, integrated into a crystal arrangement, or used as a focal point in meditation practices, its egg shape adds a touch of harmony and balance to its surroundings.


Embrace the invigorating energy of the Carnelian Egg and let it infuse your life with its warm and vibrant essence. This crystal is not only a beautiful addition to any collection but also a reminder of the strength and creativity that resides within, waiting to be awakened and expressed.


Mineral and Crystal Eggs are highly collectible and beautiful specimens. The mineral, or crystal, has been carved into an egg shape and polished to showcase the amazing beauty of the individual specimen, making them stunning ornaments.


Location: Madagascar

Unique : (May differ to photo).